ATS25X1 ATS-25X1 Si4732 All-Band Radio Receiver FM LW(MW SW) SSB +2.4 Inch Touch LCD +Whip Antenna +Battery + Speaker


Discover the world of radio with the ATS25X1, featuring comprehensive band coverage, a touch-screen interface, and a compact, portable design.

SKU: A12979 Category:

The ATS25X1 ATS-25X1 Si4732 All-Band Radio Receiver is your ultimate companion for exploring the airwaves. This versatile device supports FM, LW (Longwave), MW (Mediumwave), SW (Shortwave), and SSB (Single Side Band) modes, allowing you to tune into a wide range of broadcast frequencies with ease. Equipped with a 2.4-inch touch LCD, navigating through stations and settings is intuitive and user-friendly. The included whip antenna ensures strong reception, while the built-in battery offers exceptional portability, making it perfect for on-the-go listening. Additionally, the integrated speaker delivers clear and robust audio output, enriching your listening experience. Whether you’re a radio enthusiast or someone looking for a reliable receiver, the ATS25X1 combines advanced technology with convenience in one compact package.


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